My Summer Running Strategy & A Reminder to Reflect on the Journey

Jun 12, 2024

What's up people!

I'm pumped to be shifting my attention to my next race: Leadville 100 on August 17th. 

Last year I helped pace my buddy Nate during this race. It was my first time running at elevation and it challenged the hell out of me. There were moments where I questioned if I could complete it. But I did. I ran the final 38 miles with him. 

I have so much respect for everyone who attempted and completed this race last year and all the years before. After running with Nate, I knew I wanted to do the race myself. And here we are. My training is going to include a lot of incline work on the treadmill and hills out here in Austin.

We're about 2 months out, let's go!!


Wellness Tip

My Strategy for Running in the Summer


Run Earlier in the Day

Running early in the morning, when UV levels are lower, is so important to reduce the risk of skin damage and overheating. During the early hours, temperatures are generally cooler, which helps maintain a more stable core body temperature and prevents heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Also, lower UV exposure reduces the risk of sunburn and skin damage. 


Staying hydrated is huge for maintaining performance and preventing dehydration during runs in the heat. In hot weather, your body loses fluids more quickly through sweat. So drinking lots of water and electrolytes helps regulate your body temperature. Make sure to drink water before, during, and after your run, especially on the longer runs if you're training for a marathon or an ultra. 

Wear the Right Clothing & Sunscreen

If you do run when it's sunny out, make sure to have the right gear on. Moisture-wicking fabrics help keep your body cool and dry. Also wearing a hat and sunglasses can protect you from the sun. And don't forget to use sunscreen! Even if you run early or late, applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 can protect your skin from harmful UV rays. 


Mindset Framework

Don't Forget to Reflect on the Journey

What were you doing this time last year? How about 3 years ago or 5 years ago?

It's really easy to be stuck in the day to day grind and not realize how much we've grown or succeeded in different areas of our life. I try to make it a habit from time to time to sit back and think about the progress I've made, but also where there is room for improvement.

It's so easy to be in the rat race and think what you're doing is not a big deal. Especially in the world of social media where it's hard not to compare yourself to others. But what I try to do is just compare where I am today with a previous version of myself. It helps me realize how far I've come while also giving me motivation to push forward towards the things I want to accomplish.

Take some time this week to reflect back on your journey. 

What are you most proud of?

Where have you made the biggest strides?

What areas of your life can you make some improvements?

Let me know what your big takeaways are, I'd love to hear them!

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